Tuesday, May 27, 2014

If You Knew Better, You'd Do Better

Have you ever heard the saying “If you knew better, you’d do better”? Do you believe this to be true? I feel this is one of the most overused untrue statements around.  Possessing the knowledge and applying what you know are two completely different things.  When making decisions people are usually aware of the pros and cons and even when the cons far outweigh the pros they still may choose to follow through with an act. 
Even G.I. Joe knows that ‘ knowing is half the battle’ and the last thing I want to do is waste knowledge.   So guess what that means… it’s time for self-evaluation. Those of yall that know me are aware that I am typically very blunt and sarcastic.  By the time I realize how mean what I’m saying can come across, it’s usually too late.  Something that I’ve decided to start telling myself every day, throughout the day, is “Just because it pops in my mind, doesn’t mean it should pop out of my mouth”.  I am aware of the possible consequences of my words, actions and my text…but it does not stop me from saying certain things.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I’m going to stop completely because some of it is too funny to keep to myself, but I will try to filter my words better.
I aim to work on putting out more positive energy than negative. 
I will not harp on the bad things in my life and I will no longer tell my sob story. 
I will speak words of encouragement, success and fulfillment.
I will believe in unconditional love.
I will give people a chance to prove themselves worthy.
I will delete people from my life that bring out the negative side of me.
I will show appreciation to those that deserve it.
I will not let my feelings go unattended.
I challenge you guys to do a self-evaluation of your own.  Identify aspects of your character that you know could be better.  Pinpoint certain point of views that you have that could be hindering your progress in life or your happiness.  Make some positive affirmations over your life and your character.
Today my voices are putting into action the knowledge of power being in the tongue, faith without works is dead, and knowing without doing is wasteful.  I aim to speak great things into existence for me and those around me. 
Until Next Time…

Monday, May 12, 2014


Do you find it hard to forgive those who have done you wrong?  When you’re angry at someone do you find all the fancy wording about forgiveness being for you, not the other person, a bit overwhelming? Do you think “how can letting someone off the hook for their actions benefit me more than it does them?” If you answered yes to any of the above, you my friend have a problem…but don’t worry it’s a problem that we have all had at one time or another in our lives.

Personally, I feel the reason so many people have a problem forgiving is because as a society we were programed to want answers to all of our questions.  Why?  When?  Who? Where? Are just a few of the questions most people feel they need answers to before forgiving… the answers to these questions are usually summed up in the word CLOSURE.  Closure is what most people seek before moving on from a situation, but often do not find.  The reason most people find it hard to forgive is because instead of searching for closure they should be opening their eyes to ACCEPTANCE.  The reason acceptance can be more beneficial than closure is because for acceptance you rely on yourself and for closure you rely on others.  

Take a look at your situation, look at  all the facts, and accept the reality of the circumstances!  Do not look to someone else to answer questions you already have the facts to answer.  Expecting someone else to give you closure is equivalent to cheating on an open book test from someone without a book.  You are the only person who knows all the supporting facts of your case so don’t look to someone else to give your closing remarks.
Today My Voices are Accepting…. Accepting all that was, all that is and all that shall be.   
Until Next Time