Thursday, December 19, 2013


When in school what was the one thing we all dread?  Yes, a pop quiz! Somehow we all believed that if we had prior knowledge of the test we would have been better prepared, resulting in better grades. 

My morning read was about letting people push your buttons.  The part that caught my attention was Like it or not, it is the job of certain people to bring out the worst in you.  What they trigger is already in you.  They have come to teach you what you are capable of doing when you get triggered. Every day you will be tested to challenge your growth and and to show you what needs to be healed.   It was around 5 o’clock this morning when I was reading…when I tell you I sat straight up and stretched my eyes! LOL.  Basically what that means is some people bring out the best in us while others bring out the beast in us. But regardless of what’s triggered each characteristic lies within us.
I often wondered why people would push my buttons (which I have more of in my elder years LOL), as I matured I viewed the pushing of buttons as a pop quiz that I kept failing.  Now that I am gaining spiritual clarity, I have decided to view these trials that come as a test that I’m already aware of.  And since I’m aware I’m going to try my best to be prepared by praying and practicing obedience and patience.  Each time I allow the beast to come out of me I fail myself  and God and frankly I’m tired of it! So I’m going to think before I speak and make sure a response is necessary before engaging in a conversation that may ‘unleash the beast’ within. 

So today my voices are calling out for all of those people that are ready to pass the test of life:  The next time someone pushes your buttons, tests you or catches you off guard… confuse them with kindness.  Don’t allow the actions of others to dictate your mood. Because at the end of the day, you’re going to be the one in a horrible mood while the person that has upset you is enjoying their day to fullest…probably enjoying it more since they know they have succeeded at destroying your spirit.
I am telling you ahead of time that problems will arise so there is no need to be caught off guard..START PREPARING NOW!

Until Next Time…

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

No Entitlement

One of my favorite text this year included one of the most powerful statements I’ve read  recently,  "We are not entitled to anyone's kindness or consideration".  Knowing this is true does not make it any easier to accept the reality of the statement.  So often we feel that just because we would help,  have helped or hold a certain position in someone’s life we are automatically entitled to certain privileges…and simply that’s not true! In a perfect God filled world, where everyone lives in love; YES, but we all know that’s just not where we are.  The sooner adults realize that NO ONE and I do mean NO ONE owes us anything the easier this thing called life will be.  YOU are responsible for the life you live… not your mother, brother, cousin, spouse, sister or friend…YOU!! You're an adult now, accept your current situation for what it is or change it...JUST STOP COMPLAINING about will not do any good!
Today My Voices are learning to accept painful truths of being alone and rejoicing in knowing that doesn’t mean lonely or left out. It simply means accepting responsibility for the outcome of my life and not placing the blame or pointing fingers at others. 

Up to this point, you may have been waiting on someone else to make things happen for you or blaming others for your current situation…STOP THAT RIGHT NOW! CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING, LIVING AND DEPENDING ON OTHERS! The weight that will be lifted off your shoulders will be indescribable once you do this. Too often people (myself included), are stressed and waiting to be blessed instead of realizing the blessings and potential that lie within us that can help create our own blessings. There is no reason to worry...Joel Osteen said God always ends in “ALL IS WELL” so if all isn’t well, it simply means its NOT the end!  

Until Next Time…

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Parenting 101

This morning I experienced something for the 1st time in my life… I woke up from my sleep because I heard my baby cry out to me…it was a cry for help.  I jumped up from my sleep with a urge to pray the blood covering over my child and that any strongholds or demons trying to overtake him be removed. I prayed that any negative thoughts are feelings be replaced with joy,  peace and positive thoughts. 

Parents don’t give up on your children, nothing in life worthwhile EVER comes easy. Build relationships with your children that no situation can destroy. The children really are our future.

No situation, circumstance or person should be able to stop a person from being a good parent.  Ladies stop keeping children away from their fathers. Men stop putting females and the streets before your kids.  Ladies stop accepting a man that would abandon their child (just that should speak volumes about their character). Ladies stop letting someone else raise your children unless its what’s best for THEM not what’s easy for you. Ladies and Gentlemen stop having favorites…it causes a rift between siblings and creates problems that carry into adulthood. EVERYTHING we do to, for and in front of children molds their thinking patterns and their character.  You never know how each child will interpret what they’ve been exposed to, so  do your best to set positive examples and PRAY, PRAY and PRAY some MORE!

Today my Voices are praying for each child out there knowingly or unknowing crying for help, guidance and love. My prayer is also for parents, step parents and grandparents… that you always have the children’s best interest at heart and don’t get caught up on your own feelings.  Never let the pain you feel as adults overshadow what the children need.   This is also a prayer I pray for myself.

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Procrastinators Anonymous

Do you wait to do things until the last minute?  Do you disregard deadlines and due dates until it’s the day before? Are you always late…to work or events? Is there something within you that prevents you from planning ahead of time? You are NOT alone. 
Hi, my name is Tasha and I’m a Procrastinator! I pride myself in knowing that some of my best work is done under pressure... but we both know this is not something I should be proud of.  As of late, I’ve met a lot of people whom I admire tremendously… they plan so far ahead I cant even fathom the dates that they speak of.  So today I decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, I ask you to join me in this venture.  Let’s decide to make a change.  Let’s do what needs to be done… before it’s too late.   Stop putting off the changes in your life that need to take place to make you a better person.  How long will you allow yourself to be a work in progress working on the same issues? Make a list of reasons why you may procrastinate as well as a list of things you want to change. 
Below are some things I need to work on
1.     Go to Work on Time
2.   Go to Work Prepared to do just that…Work LOL
3.    Plan trips ahead of time
4.    Stop waiting for deadlines and due dates to work on things
5.    Stop putting off housework
6.     Work Out Daily-Make it a Lifestyle
7.     Write More Often - Blog/Work on Book
8.     Pray more diligently 
9.     Become more active in all aspects
10.  Stop dreaming and start achieving

Today my Voices are deciding to take control and handle business TODAY!

Until Next Time…

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Train A Child....

As a child do you remember your parent’s telling you “Stop crying before I give you something to cry about”?  Do you remember the fear that was placed in your heart from that statement? Growing up that never made sense to me, I always felt that I was crying for a reason… but I find myself telling my children the same thing.  Last night I watched  ‘Oprah’s Next Chapter’ and Tyler Perry was on there, he said something that really spoke to my heart and made me evaluate the way I do things.  He said that once his mom died he was able to release everything he was holding inside about being molested as child.  At that moment my heart went out to him because I understood where he was coming from. 
Back in the day things were much different than they are now, every family had secrets (and kept them)! Parents and grandparents instilled fear in their children that kept them from being able to express themselves without fear of being chastised.  This fear was passed down from one generation to the next and made children always respect their elders, but in life we know that with every pro there is a con. The fear that was passed down also brought the cycle of children enduring pain at the hands of loved ones or close friends of the family and not speaking on it.  Parents often built barriers so strong and so high when instilling fear that even when children tried to express themselves their words fell on deaf ears.  Many say that we need to go back to the old way of doing things, but I do not fully agree.  I do feel that we should instill fear in our children, but only enough for them to know that parents and adults should be respected, not enough to halt them from standing up for themselves or sharing things with us that we need to know.  Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying, I don’t feel children should be able to talk back and freely say disrespectful things nor do I think a child should consider their parents a friend.  But I do feel that they should be confident in trusting their parents enough to know that they will ALWAYS protect them no matter the consequence or the subject at hand. My view is as people and parents we should evolve.  Evolve is defined meaning to develop something gradually.  We should take things from the past and the things we know now and develop a better way to raise our children.  As a parent it should be more important to protect your child than to uphold an image to the public. There is a message behind every voice and you never know who you can save by speaking out. 
Today my voices are praying “I pray that I rear my children in a way that they understand the difference in right and wrong as well as respect from disrespect.  I pray that they know how to handle the circumstances they are faced with in life and if they can’t I pray that they know that I will always be there for them regardless of who or what will be affected in the process.  I pray that they have a close relationship with God and that they seek him in everything and never be so afraid of me that they keep something from me in fear of the consequences. I pray that they know when to speak and when to be quiet and I pray that I know the same." Amen
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
...Until Next Time

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

YOLO as a Motto? Really?

How long does it take to blink your eyes? A nanosecond...or a second if your really sleepy right? Lol. When thinking in general one may think not much can happen in a second. But you couldn't be further from wrong if you feel this way. One second is all it takes to change your life for better or worse. A second can make the difference in a wrong or right decision, a life or death situation and a second is also the difference in being on time and being late.

My point is, time is one of the most precious gifts that we have been given so use it wisely.  A lot of you young people that read my blog may live your life by Drake's saying "YOLO, You Only Live Once" but don't forget to take in to consideration your situation and Drake's. Drake is a rich entertainer that's always traveling so its easy for him to lose track of time. But you my friend (no matter how major you are in your mind) are not famous. And each day is a chance for a do over!  Each day gives you a chance to use those seconds in that day to the best of your ability...and if you fail, you are blessed to see another day to try and conquer the next day. Do not waste your life away living reckless by the YOLO motto. You may not have more than one life, but what you do have is a chance to live life in a different way each second of every day that you are alive!.

Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Tonight my voices are praying. Praying and believing in the power of God and his ability to restore life and joy in every deserving and nondeserving person out there.

...Until Next Time

Friday, February 22, 2013


I found this in my email dated April 7, 2006 and I still believe these words today...good advice will remain good advice no matter how much time has pass.

Your words, your dreams, and your thoughts have power to create conditions in your life.
What you speak about, you can bring about.

If you keep saying you can't stand your job,
you might lose your job.

If you keep saying you can't stand your body,
your body can become sick.

If you keep saying you can't stand your car,
your car could be stolen or just stop operating.

If you keep saying you're broke, guess what?
You'll always be broke.

If you keep saying you can't trust a man or trust a woman,
 you will always find someone in your life
to hurt and betray you.

If you keep saying you can't find a job, you will
remain unemployed.

If you keep saying you can't find someone to love you or believe in you,
your very thought will attract more experiences to confirm your beliefs.

If you keep talking about a divorce or break up in a relationship,
then you might end up with it.  Turn your thoughts and conversations
around to be more positive and power packed with faith, hope, love and action.

Don't be afraid to believe that you can have
what you want and deserve.

Watch your Thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your Habits, they become character.
Watch your Character, for it becomes your Destiny

The minute you settle for less than you deserve,
you get even less than you settle for.

Thought I would share this with you. "In the search for me,
I discovered truth. In the search for truth,
 I discovered love. In the search for love, I discovered God.
And in God,
I have found everything.

...Until Next Time

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Am I Big-Eyed?

Am I Big-Eyed?  In life we always seem to want more... a newer car, the most up to date phone or laptop, a bigger house, name brand clothes and the list goes on and on (at least mine does).  So while doing my ‘self check’ inventory I decided it was time to get it together.  

5 Steps to Resolving issues on Self Check Inventory
1.  Realize there is a problem and identify it.  (Evaluate the present state and determine how it is different from the ultimate goal)
2.  Analyze the problem (search beyond the obvious for circumstances surrounding the problem)
3.  Brainstorm for possible resolutions (be creative and consider similar problems and how you have solved them, make changes where necessary)
4.  Evaluate possible solutions (think about the results of each action that could be taken, advantages as well as disadvantages…don’t forget to think long-term as well as immediate results)
5.  Choose a solution and let her rip!!

Journey to Self:  “In which areas of your life do you experience the most discontentment? What would it take for you to be content?”

Until Next Time…

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

GoodBye Backslidden Condition

Hi, my name is Tasha and I’m a backslider! 
When I say backslider I don’t mean that I’m wilding out... I simply mean that I’m not living my life in a way that is of God.  I’m not reading my bible, going to church and or spending time with God like I should.  When this begins to happen I slowly begin seeing myself become more and more of the flesh and waaaayyy less of the spirit.  Meaning I curse more and I view things in “Tasha Translations” instead of in a positive light.  Don’t get me wrong, I still know that I’m blessed, but I allow small things to overshadow my blessings when it’s more me and less him.  So after a conversation with a good friend of mine and a text from my Uncle whom I love more than he’ll ever know…I woke up this morning and decided that today was the day that I would begin to get back on the right path.
I started my day by reading my ‘Mornings with Jesus’ book and the passage came from Matthew 25:21
  His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant!
You have been faithful with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"  

When things happen to let me know my thoughts are in sync with God’s messages it makes me feel as though confirmation is being sent my way assuring me that I am making the right step. So here I am; AGAIN, ready to take that step in hopes of continuing down a never ending journey of self improvement. Don't be like me and keep overlooking the signs, when God doesn’t get your attention willingly he may force you to pay attention to him...and he always wins!

FAITH STEP: What has Jesus given to you: How can you be more faithful with those “things”?  Pick three of them and work on being more faithful this week.
Today my voices are asking you to join me in this faith step. Let’s say goodbye to the backslidden condition and have a faithful week!

Until Next Time…