Thursday, December 19, 2013


When in school what was the one thing we all dread?  Yes, a pop quiz! Somehow we all believed that if we had prior knowledge of the test we would have been better prepared, resulting in better grades. 

My morning read was about letting people push your buttons.  The part that caught my attention was Like it or not, it is the job of certain people to bring out the worst in you.  What they trigger is already in you.  They have come to teach you what you are capable of doing when you get triggered. Every day you will be tested to challenge your growth and and to show you what needs to be healed.   It was around 5 o’clock this morning when I was reading…when I tell you I sat straight up and stretched my eyes! LOL.  Basically what that means is some people bring out the best in us while others bring out the beast in us. But regardless of what’s triggered each characteristic lies within us.
I often wondered why people would push my buttons (which I have more of in my elder years LOL), as I matured I viewed the pushing of buttons as a pop quiz that I kept failing.  Now that I am gaining spiritual clarity, I have decided to view these trials that come as a test that I’m already aware of.  And since I’m aware I’m going to try my best to be prepared by praying and practicing obedience and patience.  Each time I allow the beast to come out of me I fail myself  and God and frankly I’m tired of it! So I’m going to think before I speak and make sure a response is necessary before engaging in a conversation that may ‘unleash the beast’ within. 

So today my voices are calling out for all of those people that are ready to pass the test of life:  The next time someone pushes your buttons, tests you or catches you off guard… confuse them with kindness.  Don’t allow the actions of others to dictate your mood. Because at the end of the day, you’re going to be the one in a horrible mood while the person that has upset you is enjoying their day to fullest…probably enjoying it more since they know they have succeeded at destroying your spirit.
I am telling you ahead of time that problems will arise so there is no need to be caught off guard..START PREPARING NOW!

Until Next Time…