Monday, March 24, 2014

100 Happy Days

When you think of social media what comes to mind? Do you automatically think negatively about it? When I think of social media I think of a whole new world to explore. I think of current events, DIY tips, betterment of oneself, hair tips, similarities with people I’ve never met, etc.  Don’t get me wrong, there are negative things that come out of social networking but just everything else in life…It’s what you make it.

On Instagram I follow a very bright young lady whose tag is @phoenix316.  I’ve never met her, but emotionally and spiritually it seems that we are on the same path.  Recently I saw her post a picture with the hashtag  #100happydays and I asked her about it.  Basically, for 100 days you have to find something to be happy about. It seemed fairly easy so I decided to join her in this challenge via

While doing the 100 Happy Days Challenge I plan to embark upon a journey to a better me, by recognizing and acknowledging the simple things in life that I’m blessed with daily but often overlook.  My goal is to obtain an awareness of the great things in my life and to focus less on the negative. Please join me, I think this will be a very beneficial experience to all that take time out, to not only be happy, but give thanks for it.
Today my voices are determined to laugh, encourage and stay positive. 

Here's to Turning 100 Happy Days into a Lifetime of Joy!