There is no need for a lengthy
write-up today. Write down or think about all the thoughts that plaque your
mind regarding your failed relationship and the judgment passed on you… then
write or think SO WHAT!?! It’s that simple. You cannot concern yourself with
the thoughts and opinion of others. They are not part of your support system,
they do not have genuine concern for your well-being, and they do not pay your
bills. So why are you placing so much emphasis on their opinion? Focusing on what others will think or say
will only halt your healing process. You have to keep your mind on what’s best for
you…not what others think you should do. The goal is to stay focused on self
and not have your mind roaming from one subject to the next. You want peace of mind not a piece of your
Peace of mind is Priceless! Learn to Live in Peace NOT Pieces!
Wow Tasha I needed this u are so right on!!! Gof bless!!!!