Monday, July 30, 2012

Write the Vision...

Habakkuk 2:2-3 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.  For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.  My interpretation of this scripture is to write down the desires of your heart to make it a reality when reading your goals. In writing these things, realize that it is not for the present time, but for the future.  Also realize that if we are patient and believe in God’s word our desires will come to pass.  One thing I believe in is writing down my hopes and dreams.  I never realized its correlation with the word until recently.  As I have shared with you before, I make a short-term list each month and what I don’t accomplish carries over to the next month. It is what I like to think of as keeping up with my life’s inventory.  At the end of the month I’m able to see my achievements, my determination or the lack there of.  You’ll be amazed at the gratification it brings to realize the greatness of God and the many blessings that he allowed you to experience over time.  Not to mention you will notice your strengths as well as your weaknesses and in knowing these things, you can make yourself a better person by correcting what's wrong and capitalizing on whats right. 

My listings include EVERYTHING like personal aspirations, career objectives as well as workout targets. I even list things about myself that I would like to change or eliminate (this is the hardest list to concur).  If you are at a point in your life where you would like to start making positive changes try making a list of your own.  If you do decide to try it, there are a few things you must understand.

1.     Write the vision and make it plain
Know exactly what it is you desire, be descriptive
Example:  Pray for a job with great benefits, good people, understanding atmosphere, not far from home, more money, not much overtime

2.     You must have faith the size of a mustard seed
Simply writing things down or wanting something is not enough.
You must make realistic goals and believe that they are achievable by your own will and by God’s will.
a.     I want to lose 100 lbs in a month (this is not a realistic goal)
b.     Writing down I want to be successful and believing it will happen

3.     Faith without works is dead
To believe something can be done will not bring it pass.
Example: I want to lose weight, but I keep eating and I’m not working out.
I want a new job, but I haven’t applied for anything and my resume is not done
You MUST work in the direction of accomplishing the task at hand, if you want to lose weight, work out, cut back on food. If you want a new job update your resume, go to career fairs, apply to jobs. 
DO NOT do anything that will take away from your ultimate goal.
Example:  I want a husband of my own but in the mean time you sleep with someone else’s or continue to have a relationship where all signs lead to a dead end road.

4.     Glory goes to God
When you reach your goals it is a blessing and should be treated as such. DO NOT take credit as if you did it on your own.  Don’t be ashamed to speak on your blessings or breakthroughs.
a.     Stating “I was blessed with a good job” not “I get every job I want so this one was no different”
b.     Stating “I was going through hard times and God stepped in right when I needed him” not “I don’t know how I got through it”

5.     When you have been faithful over few things you will be rewarded with 
many things
God  tests progression to see how you’ve matured in The Word  and if you are ready for certain blessings.  You must follow all of the above guidelines in order to get to this point.
Example:  You reached a short term goal and you used it to glorify God and or you gave him glory for it coming to pass.  He will then see if you will respond in the same way with more and if you do you will live a life of abundance in all areas of your life. 

These guidelines have worked many times in my life.  Faith without works is dead is my motto.  I know exactly what I want in life and I also know what it takes to get it.  The Fear of God, Learning his Word, Determination, Desire, Strength, Faith and Obedience. 

Before every Test there’s a Testimony, and before every Breakthrough there’s a Breakdown. Keep this in mind when problems arise.

Today my Voices are Reminding you: You are not an average person, therefore you should demand greatness to refelect in all areas of your life! Work, home, family, deameanor, words and actions…. If you do not know where to start to accomplish's a starting point.

Until Next Time…

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