Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jack of all Trades, Master of None

I received an email today that read "God created us and therefore we are special, unique, and we have a purpose in life and an important reason for being here." As I read the email I couldn’t help but think what is my purpose?? I use to always say that "Everyone needs a purpose, and if you have no purpose in my life than you are no good for me." I meant every word of it…but now that I’m older I have a different take on everything. In the past I was so busy making sure that I only surrounded myself with people that had a purpose for me I lost sight of myself and fulfilling my role while here.
I use to feel that I haven’t found my niche. You know the saying ‘Jack of all Trades, Master of None’…I think they were thinking of me when they coined this phrase. I have until yet to find that one thing that separates me from the rest, the one thing that I excel at and enjoy doing. So, I always asked myself, where do I go from here? Do I try to perfect all trades or do I pick one and master it?? If I choose the wrong one will it alter my divine destiny because I’m not following his will for my life?
I no longer feel this way. I think that my 23 personalities are what make me special. I feel that my niche is being a jack of many trades and maybe it just wasn’t in the cards for me to excel at one thing. So I’ve learned to just sit back, live my life trying new things, broadening my horizons which in return takes my visions to higher heights. I believe that each day I’m alive God’s will is unfolding more and more in my life but I have to learn to be patient. Because I believe that peace can only be found within patience. And when I’m finally able to reach the level of peace through patience, then and only then, will I be able to hear God’s voice and be able to listen to the best path to reach my divine destiny.
So today I ask, what is your niche?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Figure it Out!!

I don’t want to lose myself in love
I want to become one with love and gain multiple perspectives on life!

I don’t want to get caught up in what society thinks
I want to uphold the values that I was taught and the life lessons I’ve learned along the way!

I don’t want to take on some one else’s opinion
I want to know who I am, except it and perfect it!

I don’t want to follow the next man’s dream
I want to have my own vision, have faith that it’s obtainable but also realize fame isn’t for everyone!

My point is, I know who I am, I know where I’ve been and I have no idea where I’m headed, but that’s okay with me. Because I know that through whatever trials I may face from this day forward, I’m doing it with my head held high, God on my side and faith that everything will work out in my favor. I try my best to live my life in a way that is pleasing to me…when I say this I don’t mean that no on else matters, I’m saying that I never forget that I am the one that has to live with the decisions I make so I try to make them count. I fall short many times because I'm human but it doesn't mean that the intentions of my heart have changed.

If tonight was your last, what would you do?

What and who are you thankful for?

If you left this life without writing an autobiography what would your book read?

Figure out who you are, let go of who you were, learn to love and appreciate what you have at this very moment! And have faith that the future will work itself out when it becomes the present! Things happen too fast and circumstances change in the twinkling of an eye so make sure to make the best of the time you have left on earth.

Happy Thanksgiving and don’t forget to Give Thanks!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Introduction to Your Victory

I know all the things that people say about my pastor but he always gives me exactly what I need to continue my walk her on earth with my head held high and my dignity in tact. His sermon today meant a lot to me so I decided to share a synopsis of his sermon. 

Today pastor talked about ‘How to live for God, How to have Rest, How to apply faith and How the Holy Spirit Works.’  He explained that the only way to prevent sin from having dominion over you is to stay strong and grow in the lord and live according to his word.  He made it clear that simply knowing the word does not get you into heaven “Heaven is not an Automatic Truth!”  You have to protect your heart, your soul and your body from working by feelings…because feelings are easily tied to sin.  Without righteous morals we will live like heathens…and morals can only come from the fear of God.

My pastor has this uncanny way of preaching about whatever it is I may be going through at any given Sunday.  It's as if he peeks into my life…sees my past, predicts my future and tries to stop me from doing anything that will deter me from the path of righteousness. 

The thing that stood out the most to me today was when Pastor was talking about how sometimes we are so busy trying to tell people the right things to do, that we are perceived in a way that’s not like God.  Not because we don’t mean well, but because these people are unevenly yoked so they do not understand our perspective of things.  Sometimes people have a tendency to overlook your heart and not understand that you’re coming from a place of love.

“When your test is at its worse, just sit down! No running around, fussing, cussing and crying”

“Don’t allow your feelings to dictate your faith”

“Don’t allow anything or anyone to contaminate your Faith!”

“Stay plugged into the word, to prevent the devil from plugging in to you!”